The need for User Groups

I remember Paul Turley saying a few years ago at a Speaker Dinner, “We’re literally aging out”. I am almost done with my European Tour, and it is obvious that a number of things are the same across the pond:

The need for cloud migration. Like it or not the cloud is here to stay in all of its weird and wonderful permutations. Whether you choose Azure or AWS or other competitors, the migration will happen in some shape or form. This drive means that the need for data professionals is not going away, in fact it’s only getting GREATER.

The need for learning. There is a LOT of free and/or cheap information out there. I always tell everyone about Microsoft Learn. It’s a fantastic site with sandboxes for the students and I think that just about every Microsoft technology is covered. There are definitely plenty of fine schools out there, but you can go a long ways with a little bit of work. Personally I maintain an Azure VM for testing and it costs me about 20 dollars a month for the storage. I just remember to shut it off. Having this VM is a valuable tool that allows me to learn and grow.

The need for critical thinking. This skill is almost always on the “Top five skills needed to future proof your career”. This is a skill developed by looking, listening, and thinking. Pay attention. My grandfather always taught me that I would look smarter if I paid attention. Watch what other people do. Read the manuals. Read them again. Read them once more and then explain them to someone else. You are doing both of yourselves a favor and hopefully other people will benefit from this knowledge transfer.

The need for kindness. Not only do you attract more flies with honey instead of vinegar, you attract more nice people with kindness. Being around other happy people creates that collaborative environment so desperately needed in business. Life is hard. Work is hard. Let’s work together and make some things easier. It’s dizzying how quickly technology continues to evolve in features, but the same concepts stay the same. Work with your people and other people in the community and learn.

And my point….The need for user groups. User groups are a good way to learn knowledge, meet nice people, and gain skills that you might not have learned in the workplace. Let’s all help each other become better data professionals and better people.

Shameless Plug – Oregon Data Community is on the 12th of October at 1600 HRS PST (Virtual) – RSVP here:

Second Shameless Plug – SQL Saturday Oregon and SW Washington is on the 12th of November at 0800 HRS PST at Clark College in Vancouver, WA. Sign up here: SQL Saturday Oregon & SW Washington 2022 (#1035)

Last Shameless Plug – There are Data Groups EVERYWHERE – try this link to find one that MAY meet in person or virtually close to you: Azure Data Tech Groups | Meetup Pro

2 thoughts on “The need for User Groups

    1. Thanks Paul! Your support and dedication to the user groups has been immense!

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