Moving Forward

As I have told many people, I was REALLY busy between the last week of October and through Christmas. All good stuff, all busy. January was just the normal busy, but I used the time to make lists. Lists are good. You get immediate organization, you can check off items, and you can track your progress.

Yes, this is the typical whiny post from someone who makes a blog and then ignores it for awhile, all for good reasons and intentions. That may be true, but we all know we can do better. “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

Checklist –

Job, doing well, working with some great people both on my team at work and with my current customer. I love learning new things and doing interesting things

Lodge – Master this year and there’s plenty to do

User Group – it was a little rocky getting going with speakers, but luckily Paul Turley reached out and now we’re set for awhile.

Conferences – Need to get those in order so I can go see my friends

Public persona – not exactly out there posting and blogging, but I can do better

Fitness – meh – 50%. I was doing really well before I started having lots of daily meetings. It’s hard to get to the pool!

Friends and Family – doing ok, but it’s a challenge to keep up with everyone!

The point is, we all get busy. I have good things and good opportunities, but I have to just organize myself so I can take advantage of them!