Moving Forward

As I have told many people, I was REALLY busy between the last week of October and through Christmas. All good stuff, all busy. January was just the normal busy, but I used the time to make lists. Lists are good. You get immediate organization, you can check off items, and you can track your progress. Yes, this is the typical whiny post from someone who makes a blog and then ignores it for...

Being a Speaker – PASS Summit 2020

As I mentioned in an earlier post (I know, way earlier), I was honored to speak again at PASS Summit, the first virtual one. First of all, the PASS team worked their collective tails off to make sure everything went smoothly. I KNOW there were technical difficulties. I felt them myself. I KNOW my demos were a little hard (more than a little) to see on the darned window that wouldn't expand. For...

On Business Continuity

Business Continuity, why is it so important? If the business can't run, it can't make money. Even more critical is the customer trust that will be lost by the business not functioning. There are quotes on that it takes ten times more effort to keep a customer than it does to gain a new one. If your company can't provide the needed goods/services, etc, your former customers will be moving onto...

Es Beginnt mit mir. Es Beginnt mit dir.

Welcome to my blog. I've only been threatening to write this for at least five years and I've finally pulled the trigger. No, my German is certainly not good enough anymore to write a blog, but I still enjoy keeping some words fresh in my mind. It truly does begin with you (and me). We need to move ourselves forward in order to enjoy our lives. In my "Becoming a Master" presentation, I hammer...