Over the years, I’ve realized that being a DBA is more than just a set of skills. Sure, one needs to have experience in many different specialities, but it’s also a mindset, a passion, and a willingness to listen.
DBAs are the communicators. No longer are they the ones that hide in the back room waiting for food and requests to be slipped under the door. They have to understand the OS platform that supports the databases (and yes, Azure is an OS), the database engine, the data, the application that creates that data, the users that use the application, and most importantly, the business that DRIVES the need for that data. Knowing the business is critical to being successful in the job and it’s important to add value to the position. It’s useful to know how to perform X, but knowing why, where, how, and who wants it is much more useful! It’s about communicating with the users, the managers, the line workers, the vendors, and the customers. Understanding all of that is what’s going to make your tenure as a DBA enjoyable and your presence invaluable!